jessica xu

Jessica Xu, D.V.M.


Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine

ULAM staff website

Veterinary Resident Researcher (January 2019 - June 2020)

Research Interests:

Jessica's interests include the effects of anesthesia on research outcomes and applications of electro-acupuncture to neuromodulation.

pNEURO Lab Publications:

  1. J.J. Xu, Z. Yousuf, Z. Ouyang, E. Kennedy, P. Lester, T. Martin, T. Bruns. “Urodynamic parameters and anesthetic depth vary depending on anesthetic agent (alfaxalone, dexmedetomidine, propofol) at doses necessary to facilitate preclinical testing.” Preprint at bioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/868398.

pNEURO Lab Conference Abstracts:

  1. Xu J, Yousef Z, Ouyang Z, Martin T, Lester P, Bruns T: Urodynamic and anesthetic parameters vary by anesthetic agent at doses necessary to facilitate urodynamic testing, American Association for Laboratory Animal Science National Meeting, Denver, CO, 2019. 
  2. Xu JJ, Yousuf Z, Ouyang Z, Martin T, Lester PA, Bruns TM: Effects of sedative and anesthetic agents on urodynamic and anesthetic parameters in male cats, Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for Pelvic Research, Charleston, SC, 2019. 

Other pNEURO Lab Output:

  1. J.J. Xu, Z. Yousuf, Z. Ouyang, E. Kennedy, T. Martin, P. Lester, T. Bruns. “Urodynamic parameters and anesthetic depth vary depending on anesthetic agent (alfaxalone, dexmedetomidine, propofol) at doses necessary to facilitate preclinical testing.” Open Science Framework, 2019.