2014 News

Below is all the news out of the pNEURO Lab from 2017. 

December, 2014

November, 2014

  • The lab attended Neuroscience 2014 in Washington, D.C. (November 15 to 19). Three posters were presented. One by Shani Ross on “Targeting sacral dorsal root ganglia for concurrent monitoring and control of bladder function via electrical stimulation”, another by Sai Rajagopalan on “Potential of neural-network based modeling of bladder pressure from sacral dorsal root ganglia recordings”, and a third by John Bentley on “Identification of bladder afferent types with multielectrode arrays in sacral dorsal root ganglia.”

June, 2014

  • Shani Ross was notified of receiving a Diversity Travel Award to attend the upcoming Neural Interfaces Conference in Dallas. Congrats Shani!
  • The lab attended the 41st Neural Interfaces Conference in Dallas, Texas (June 23 to 25). Two posters were presented. One by John Bentley on “Identifying subpopulations of bladder afferents with a sacral dorsal root ganglia microelectrode array interface” and another by Shani Ross on “Development of a closed-loop bladder control neuroprosthesis using a sacral dorsal root ganglia interface”.

April, 2014

  • BME undergraduate student Anastasia Ostrowski presented the first conference poster from the lab, on “Dorsal root ganglion cell density analysis for microelectrode array development” at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research in Lexington, Kentucky. Co-authors were Shani Ross and Tim Bruns.