
Publications, Pre-prints, and Conference Proceedings from the pNEURO Lab:

  1. M. Ortiz Lopez, Z. Ouyang, A. Kotkar, M. Willen, R. Liu, J. Olszewski, M. Stevens, E. Kennedy, S.J. Offutt, K.C. Bittner, L. Zirpel, T.M. Bruns, “Non-continuous neuromodulation in awake, unrestrained felines increases bladder capacity,” in review, 2025. Pre-print at bioRxiv.
  2. L.R. Madden, R. Liu, S. Ivanescu, T.M. Bruns, “Physiological activity within peripheral nerves influences neural output in response to electrical stimulation: an in vivo study,” in review, 2024. Pre-print at bioRxiv.
  3. T.M. Bruns, L. Zimmerman Hershey, “Neuromodulation for the treatment of sexual dysfunction: an opportunity for the field,” Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering, 32:100564, 2024. Publication at journal.
  4. P.J. Chen, A.C. Lagunas, V. Soriano, P. Gupta, T.M. Bruns, “Perineal and rectal nerve recruitment order varies during pudendal neurostimulator implant surgery,” in review, 2024. Pre-print at medRxiv.
  5. A.C. Lagunas, P.J. Chen, L. Ruiz, A.S. Jhand, N. Baishya, S.F. Lempka, P. Gupta, T.M. Bruns, “Factors affecting anal sphincter recruitment during intraoperative pudendal nerve stimulation,” in revision, 2024. Pre-print at medRxiv.
  6. E.C. Bottorff, P. Gupta, G.M. Ippolito, M.B. Moore, G.M. Rodriguez, T.M. Bruns, “Short-term dorsal genital nerve stimulation increases subjective arousal in women with and without spinal cord injury: a preliminary investigation,” Neuromodulation, 27(4):681-689, 2024. PubMed ID 38573280. PMCID PMC10168483. Publication at journal. Pre-print at medRxiv.
    • Open-source data from paper: E.C. Bottorff, T.M. Bruns, “Acute dorsal genital nerve stimulation increases subjective arousal in women with and without spinal cord injury.” Open Science Framework, 2023.
    • Posting on under NCT04384172.
  7. L.R. Madden, R. Graham, S. Lempka, T.M. Bruns,” Multiformity of extracellular microelectrode recordings from Aδ neurons in the dorsal root ganglia: A computational modeling study,” Journal of Neurophysiology, 131(2): 261-277, 2024. PubMed ID 38169334. Publication at journal. Pre-print at bioRxiv.
  8. L.L. Zimmerman, G. Mentzelopoulos, H. Parrish, V.I. Marcu, B.D. Luma, J.B. Becker, T.M. Bruns, “Immediate and long-term effects of tibial nerve stimulation on the sexual behavior of female rats,” Neuromodulation, 27(2): 343-352, 2024. PubMed ID 36609088. Publication at journal. Pre-print at bioRXiv.
  9. E.C. Bottorff, T.M. Bruns. “Pudendal, but not tibial, nerve stimulation modulates vulvar blood perfusion in anesthetized rodents,” International Urogynecology Journal, doi: 10.1007/s00192-022-05389-x, 2022. PubMed ID 36326861. Publication at journal. Pre-print at bioRXiv.
  10. F. Zareen, Z. Ouyang, S.J.A. Majerus, T.M. Bruns, M.S. Damaser, R. Karam, “Detrusor pressure estimation from single-channel urodynamics,” Proceedings of 44th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, 3718-3722, 2022. PubMed ID 36085686. Publication at IEEE.
  11. D. Yan, A.A. Jiman, E.C. Bottorff, P.R. Patel, D. Meli, E.J. Welle, D.C. Ratze, L.A. Havton, C.A. Chestek, S.W.P. Kemp, T.M. Bruns, E. Yoon, J. Seymour. “Ultra-flexible and stretchable intrafascicular peripheral nerve recording device with axon-dimension, cuff-less microneedle electrode array,” Small, 18(21): 2200311, 2022. PubMed ID 35491522. PMCID PMC9167574. Publication at journal. Pre-print at bioRxiv.
  12. Z. Ouyang, N. BarreraZ.J. Sperry, E.C. Bottorff, K.C. Bittner, L. Zirpel, T.M. Bruns. “Closed-loop sacral neuromodulation for bladder function using dorsal root ganglia sensory feedback in an acute feline model,” Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 60(5): 1527-1540, 2022. PubMed ID 35349032. PMCID PMC9124066. Publication at journal. Pre-print at bioRxiv.
    • Open-source data from paper: Z. Ouyang, T.M. Bruns. “Closed-loop control of sacral neuromodulation for bladder function using dorsal root ganglia sensory feedback in an acute feline model.” Open Science Framework, 2020.
  13. J.J. Xu, L. Zimmerman, V.H. Soriano, G. Mentzelopoulos, E. Kennedy, E.C. Bottorff, C. Stephan, K. Kozloff, M.J. Devlin, T.M. Bruns. “Tibial nerve stimulation increases vaginal blood perfusion and bone mineral density and yield load in ovariectomized rats,” International Urogynecology Journal, 33: 3543-3553, 2022. PubMed ID 35254469. Article on journal website. pre-print at bioRxiv.
  14. E.J. Welle, J.E. Woods, A.A. Jiman, J.M. Richie, E.C. Bottorff, Z. Ouyang, J.P. Seymour, P.R. Patel, T.M. Bruns, C.A. Chestek. “Sharpened and mechanically durable carbon fiber electrode arrays for neural interfacing,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 29: 993-1003, 2021. PubMed ID 34014825. NSF PAR ID: 10350453. Publication at journal. Pre-print at bioRxiv.
  15. Z.J. Sperry, K. Na, J. Jun, L.R. Madden, A. Socha, E. Yoon, J.P. Seymour, T.M. Bruns. “High-density neural recordings from feline sacral dorsal root ganglia with thin-film array,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 18: 046005, 2021. PubMed ID 33545709. NSF PAR ID: 10281944. Publication at JournalPre-print at bioRxiv.
    • Open source-data from this paper will be available once it completes the NIH SPARC data curation process.
  16. C.H. Lubba, Z. Ouyang, N.S. Jones, T.M. Bruns, S.R. Schultz. “Bladder pressure encoding by sacral dorsal root ganglion fibres: implications for decoding,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 18: 016104, 2021. PubMed ID 33202396. Open-access publication at journal. Pre-print at bioRxiv.
  17. A.A. Jiman, D.C. Ratze, E.J. Welle, P.R. Patel, J.M. Richie, E.C. Bottorff, J.P. Seymour, C.A. Chestek, T.M. Bruns. “Multi-channel intraneural vagus nerve recordings with a novel high-density carbon fiber microelectrode array,” Scientific Reports, 10: 15501, 2020. PubMed ID 32968177. PMCID PMC7511947. NSF PAR ID: 10250971Open Access article on journal website. Pre-print at bioRxiv.
    • Open source-data from this paper will be available once it completes the NIH SPARC data curation process.
  18. J.J. Xu, Z. Yousuf, Z. Ouyang, E. Kennedy, P. Lester, T. Martin, T. Bruns. “Anesthetic agents affect urodynamic parameters and anesthetic depth at doses necessary to facilitate preclinical testing in felines,” Scientific Reports, 10: 11401, 2020. PubMed ID 32647241. PMCID PMC7347647. Article on journal website. Pre-print at bioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/868398.
    • Open-source data from paper: J.J. Xu, Z. Yousuf, Z. Ouyang, E. Kennedy, T. Martin, P. Lester, T. Bruns. “Urodynamic parameters and anesthetic depth vary depending on anesthetic agent (alfaxalone, dexmedetomidine, propofol) at doses necessary to facilitate preclinical testing.” Open Science Framework, 2019.
  19. R. Graham, T.M. Bruns, B. Duan, S. Lempka. “The effect of clinically-controllable factors on neural activation during dorsal root ganglion stimulation,” Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface, 24: 4, 655-671, 2021. PubMed ID 32583523. Article on journal website. NSF PAR ID: 10162892.
  20. K. Na, Z.J. Sperry, J. Lu, M. Voeroeslakos, S.S. Parizi. T.M. Bruns, E. Yoon, J.P. Seymour. “Novel diamond shuttle to deliver flexible bioelectronics with reduced tissue compression.” Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 6: 37, 2020. PubMed ID 32528723. PMCID PMC7261651. Article on journal website. Pre-print at bioRxiv
  21. M. Levy, C. Bassis, E. Kennedy, K.E. Yoest, J.B. Becker, J. Bell, M.B. Berger, T.M. Bruns. “The rodent vaginal microbiome across the estrous cycle and the effect of genital nerve electrical stimulation,” PLoS ONE, 15(3): e0230170, 2020. PubMed ID 32163469. PMCID PMC7067422. Article at Journal. Pre-print at bioRxiv.
  22. Z.J. Sperry*, R.D. Graham*, N. Peck-Dimit, S.F. Lempka^, T.M. Bruns^. “Spatial models of cell distribution in human lumbar dorsal root ganglia.” Journal of Comparative Neurology, 528: 10, 1644-1659, 2020. *Co-first authors. ^Co-senior authors. PubMed ID 31872433. PMCID PMC7211131. NSF PAR ID: 10131442. Article on journal website.
  23. D. Yan, T.M. Bruns, Y. Wu, L.L. Zimmerman, C. Stephan, A.P. Cameron, E. Yoon, J.P. Seymour. “Ultra-compliant carbon nanotube stretchable direct bladder interface.” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 8:20, 1900477, 2019. PubMed ID 31556241. NSF PAR ID: 10459215Article on journal website. Preprint at bioRxiv.
  24. J. Ashton-Miller, L. Baroudi, B. Belmont, N. Comandante-Lou, J.A. Castor-Macias, K.E. Finn, D. Haji Ghaffari, R. Graham, J. Larouche, B.Y. Li, Y. Liu, A. Mittal, Z.J. Sperry, S. Tang, N. Villacis, M. Weivoda, R. Yung, H.J. Zander, Y. Zeng, M. Zhou. “A BioHackathon on the challenges of aging: Rapid need-finding and solution modeling in a student-led event.” engrXiv, 2019.  Article on engrXiv.
  25. Z. OuyangZ.J. SperryN. BarreraT.M. Bruns. “Real-time bladder pressure estimation for closed-loop control in a detrusor overactivity model.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 27:6 p. 1209-1216, 2019. PubMed ID 31021771. Article on journal website.
  26. R. Graham, T.M. Bruns, B. Duan, S. Lempka. “Dorsal root ganglion stimulation for chronic pain modulates Aβ-fiber activity but not C-fiber activity: a computational modeling study.” Clinical Neurophysiology, 130(6): 941-951, 2019. PubMed ID PMID: 30981900. NSF PAR ID: 10096935. Article on journal website.
  27. A. Jiman, K. Chhabra, D. Ratze, A. Lewis, P. Cederna, R. Seeley, M. Low, T.M. Bruns. “Kilohertz Frequency Stimulation of Renal Nerves for Modulating Blood Glucose Concentration in Diabetic Rats.” Proceedings of 9th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 20-23, 2019, 746-749. Article on journal website.
  28. D. Yan, A. Jiman, D. Ratze, S. Huang, S. Parizi, E. Welle, Z. Ouyang, P. Patel, M. Kushner, C. Chestek, T.M. Bruns, E. Yoon, J.P. Seymour. “Cuff-less, Penetrating Microneedle Array with Axon-Sized Dimensions for Peripheral Nerve Interfacing.” Proceedings of 9th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 20-23, 2019, 827-830. Article on journal website.
  29. Z. Ouyang, N. Barrera, V. Marcu, A. Socha, J. Schwartz, Z. Sperry, T.M Bruns. “Behavioral Monitoring and Neuromodulation of Feline Voiding Function.” Proceedings of 9th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 20-23, 2019, 1058-1061. Article on journal website.
  30. L.L. Zimmerman,, P. Gupta, F. O’Gara, N. Langhals, M.B. Berger*, T.M. Bruns*. “Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation to improve female sexual dysfunction symptoms: a pilot study,” Neuromodulation, 21(7):707-713, 2018. * co-senior authors. PubMed ID 30247792PMCID PMC6218940Article on journal website.
  31. A.A. Jiman, K.H. Chhabra, A.G. Lewis, P.S. Cederna, R.J. Seeley, M.J. Low, T.M. Bruns. “Electrical stimulation of renal nerves for modulating urine glucose excretion in rat,” Bioelectronic Medicine, 4: 7, 2018. PubMed ID 32232083. PMCID PMC7098252. Article on journal website.
  32. Z.J. Sperry, K. Na, S.S. Parizi, H.J. Chiel, J. Seymour, E. Yoon, T.M. Bruns. “Flexible microelectrode array for interfacing with the surface of neural ganglia,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 15: 036027, 2018. PubMed ID 29521279. PMCID PMC5938739. Article on journal website.
  33. L.L. Zimmerman, I.C. Rice, M.B. Berger, T.M. Bruns. “Tibial nerve stimulation to drive genital sexual arousal in an anesthetized female rat,” Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15(3): 296-303, 2018. PubMed ID 29402703. PMCID PMC6218940. Article on journal website.
  34. S.E. Ross*, Z. Ouyang*, S. Rajagopalan, T.M. Bruns. “Evaluation of decoding algorithms for estimating bladder pressure from dorsal root ganglia neural recordings,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 46(2): 233-246, 2018. *Co-first authors. PubMed ID 29181722. PMCID PMC5771828Article on journal website
  35. I.C. Rice, L.L. Zimmerman, S.E. Ross, M.B. Berger, T.M. Bruns. “Time-frequency analysis of increases in vaginal blood perfusion elicited by long-duration pudendal neuromodulation in anesthetized rats,” Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface, 20(8): 807–815, 2017. PubMed ID 29034542. Article on journal website.
  36. A.K. Ostrowski*, Z.J. Sperry*, G. Kulik, T.M. Bruns. “Quantitative models of feline lumbosacral dorsal root ganglia neuronal cell density,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 290:116-124, 2017. *Co-first authors. PubMed ID 28739165. PMCID PMC5581694. Article on journal website
  37. P.G.B. Romo, H.P. Chikkatur, S. Beldona, Y. Yi, T.M. Bruns, B. Malaeb, “Comparative evaluation of physical characteristics of different inflatable penile prostheses,” Scandinavian Journal of Urology, 51(5): 420-425, 2017. PubMed ID 28738732. Article on journal website.
  38. A. Khurram, S.E. Ross, Z.J. Sperry, A. Ouyang, C. Stephan, A.A. Jiman, T.M. Bruns, “Chronic monitoring of lower urinary tract activity via a sacral dorsal root ganglia interface,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 14: 036027, 2017. PubMed ID 28322213. PMCID PMC5751745Article on journal website
  39. Weber, J. Harris, T. Bruns, V. Mushahwar. Anatomy and Physiology of the Central Nervous System. Ch. 1.3. In: Neuroprosthetics: Theory and Practice. 2nd Edition. Editors: K. Horsch & D. Kipke D., 2017. DOI: 10.1142/9789813207158_0003. E-Book at World Scientific publisher. Book on Amazon.
  40. S.E. Ross, Z.J. Sperry, C.M. Mahar, T.M. Bruns, “Hysteretic behavior of bladder afferent neurons in response to changes in bladder pressure,” BMC Neuroscience, 17: 57, 2016. PubMed ID 27520434. PMCID PMC4983075. Open access article on BMC Neuroscience website.

Publications and Conference Proceedings from Dr. Bruns’ work as a postdoc at the University of Pittsburgh:

  1. A.I. Kashkoush, R.A. Gaunt, L.E. Fisher, T.M. Bruns, D.J. Weber, “Recording single-unit afferent activity from the surface of the dorsal root ganglion,” Scientific Reports, 9:2786, 2019. PubMed ID 30808921. PMCID PMC6391375Article on journal website.
  2. T.M. Bruns, D.J. Weber, R.A. Gaunt, “Microstimulation of afferents in the sacral dorsal root ganglia can evoke reflex bladder activity,” Neurourology & Urodynamics, 34(1): 65-71, 2015. PubMed ID 24464833. Article on Wiley website.
  3. J.L. Collinger, S. Foldes, T.M. Bruns, B. Wodlinger, R. Gaunt and D.J. Weber, “Neuroprosthetic technology for individuals with spinal cord injury,” Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 36(4): 258-272, 2013. Article on Journal website.
  4. T.M. Bruns, J.B. Wagenaar, M.A. Bauman, R.A. Gaunt and D.J. Weber, “Real-time control of hind limb functional electrical stimulation using feedback from dorsal root ganglia recordings,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 10(2): 026020, 2013. PubMed ID 23503062. Article on IOP website.
  5. J.L. Collinger, M.L. Boninger, T.M. Bruns, K. Curley, W. Wang and D.J. Weber, “Functional priorities, assistive technology, and brain-computer interfaces after spinal cord injury,” Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 50(2): 145-160, 2013. PubMed ID 23760996. Article on JRRD website
  6. J.A. Hokanson, C.A. Ayers, R.A. Gaunt, T.M. Bruns, D.J. Weber, “Effects of spatial and temporal parameters of primary afferent microstimulation on neural responses evoked in primary somatosensory cortex of an anesthetized cat,” Conference Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011: 7533-7536, 2011. PubMed Id:22256081. PCM ID: PMC3475719. Article on IEEE Website.
  7. T.M. Bruns, R.A. Gaunt, D.J. Weber, “Estimating bladder pressure from sacral dorsal root ganglia recordings,”Conference Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2011: 4239-4242, 2011. PubMed ID:22255275. PMC ID: PMC3475720. Article on IEEE website. 
  8. M.J. Bauman, T.M Bruns, J.B. Wagenaar, R.A. Gaunt, D.J. Weber, “Online feedback control of functional electrical stimulation using dorsal root ganglia recordings,” Conference Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011: 7246- 7249, 2011. PM22256011. PubMed ID:22256011. PMC ID:PMC3464480. Article on IEEE website
  9. R.A. Gaunt, T.M. Bruns, D.J. Crammond, N.D. Tomycz, J.J. Moossy, D.J. Weber, “Single- and multi-unit activity recorded from the surface of the dorsal root ganglia with non-penetrating electrode arrays,”Conference Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011: 6713-6716, 2011. PubMed ID: 22255879. PMC ID: PMC3457054. Article on IEEE website
  10. T.M. Bruns, R.A. Gaunt and D.J. Weber, “Multielectrode array recordings of bladder and perineal primary afferent activity from the sacral dorsal root ganglia,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 8(5): 056010, 2011. PubMed ID 21878706. PMC ID PMC3178724. Article on IOP website.

Publications and Conference Proceedings from Dr. Bruns’ work as a graduate student at Case Western Reserve University:

  1. T.M. Bruns, N. Bhadra and K.J. Gustafson, “Bursting stimulation of proximal urethral afferents improves bladder voiding,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 6(6): 066006, 2009. PubMed ID 19901447. Article on IOP website
  2. T.M. Bruns, N. Bhadra and K.J. Gustafson, “Intraurethral stimulation for reflex bladder activation depends on stimulation pattern and location,” Neurourology & Urodynamics, 28: 561-566, 2009. PubMed ID 19260091. Article on Wiley website.
  3. T.M. Bruns, N. Bhadra and K.J. Gustafson, “Variable patterned pudendal nerve stimuli improves reflex bladder activation,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 16(2): 140-148, 2008. PubMed ID 18403282. PMCID PMC3375815. Article on IEEE website.
  4. T.M.Bruns, N. Bhadra and K.J. Gustafson, “Reflex bladder activation via pudendal nerve and intraurethral stimulation depends on stimulation pattern and location,” Conference Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008: 2760- 2763, 2008. PubMed ID: 19163277. Article on IEEE website

Copies available upon request.