Lauren Zimmerman

Lauren Zimmerman, Ph.D.


Biomedical Engineering

LinkedIn Profile

September 2015 - April 2020: Ph.D. Student

Research Interests:

Lauren's research interests are in investigating the potential of neuromodulation as a treatment for female sexual dysfunction through preclinical and clinical research.

pNEURO Lab Publications:

  1. Rice IC, Zimmerman LL, Ross SE, Berger MB, Bruns TM. Time-frequency analysis of increases in
    vaginal blood perfusion elicited by long-duration pudendal neuromodulation in anesthetized rats.
    Neuromodulation. 20(8): 807-815, 2017.
  2. L.L. Zimmerman, I.C. Rice, M.B. Berger, T.M. Bruns. “Tibial nerve stimulation to drive genital sexual arousal in an anesthetized female rat,” Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15(3): 296-303, 2018.
  3. L.L. Zimmerman,, P. Gupta, F. O'Gara, N. Langhals, M.B. Berger, T.M. Bruns. "Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation to improve female sexual dysfunction symptoms: a pilot study," Neuromodulation, 21(7):707-713, 2018.
  4. D. Yan, T.M. Bruns, Y. Wu, L.L. Zimmerman, C. Stephan, A.P. Cameron, E. Yoon, J.P. Seymour. "Ultra-compliant carbon nanotube stretchable direct bladder interface." 2019. Preprint at bioRxiv.

pNEURO Lab Conference Abstracts:

  1. Zimmerman L, Rice I, Berger M, Bruns TM. Evaluating sexual arousal in a female rat model with
    pudendal and tibial nerve stimulation. International Conference for Advanced Neurotechnology, Ann Arbor, MI, June 13-14, 2016.
  2. Zimmerman L, Rice I, Berger M, Bruns TM. Evaluating sexual arousal in a female rat model with
    pudendal and tibial nerve stimulation. North American Neuromodulation Society – Neural Interfaces Conference Joint Meeting, Baltimore, MD, June 25-29, 2016.
  3. Ross SE, Khurram A, Sperry ZJ, Jiman AAA, Ouyang A, Zimmerman LL, Stephan CJ, Mahar CM,
    Rice IC, Bruns TM. Chronic spinal root interfacing for closed-loop control of the bladder. IEEE
    EMBS Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, August 16-20, 2016.
  4. Rice IC, Zimmerman LL, Ross SE, Berger MB, Bruns TM, Pudendal nerve stimulation elicits
    oscillations in vaginal blood flow. Society for Neuroscience 46 th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA,
    November 12-16, 2016.
  5. Zimmerman LL, Rice IC, Berger MB, Bruns TM. Evaluating sexual arousal in a female rat model
    with tibial nerve stimulation. Society for Neuroscience 46 th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA,
    November 12-16, 2016.
  6. Zimmerman L, Rice I, Dreffs K, Berger M, Bruns T. Peripheral neuromodulation to elicit vaginal
    blood flow responses as a potential treatment for sexual dysfunction. International Conference for
    Advanced Neurotechnology, Frieberg, Germany, June 29, 2017.
  7. Bruns T, Zimmerman L, Rice IC, Dreffs K, Honey N, Berger M. Peripheral neuromodulation for
    female sexual dysfunction. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October
    11-14, 2017.
  8. Stephan C, Yan D, Cheng Y, Zimmerman L, Cameron A, Yoon E, Seymour J, Bruns T.
    Development of a stretchable substrate for a bidirectional bladder interface. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October 11-14, 2017.
  9. Zimmerman LL, Rice IR, Berger MB, Bruns TM. Evaluating neurogenic oscillations in vaginal
    blood perfusion as a genital sexual arousal response to peripheral nerve stimulation in anesthetized female rats. Society for Neuroscience 47 th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., November 11-15, 2017.
  10. Zimmerman L, Dreffs K, Honey N, Teitelbaum A, Gupba P, Berger M, Bruns T. Neuromodulation
    for female sexual dysfunction: preliminary pilot clinical trial and patient interest survey.
    International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, San Diego, CA, February 8-11, 2018.
  11. Zimmerman L, Rice I, Dreffs K, Bender-Bier S, Berger M, Bruns T. Investigating peripheral nerve
    stimulation as a treatment for female sexual dysfunction using a preclinical model. International
    Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, San Diego, CA, February 8-11, 2018.
  12. Zimmerman LL, Gupta P, O’Gara F, Langhals NB, Berger MB, Bruns TM. Pilot study of neuromodulation to treat female sexual dysfunction symptoms. Neural Interfaces Conference, Minneapolis, MN, June 25-27, 2018.
  13. Welle EJ, Patel PR, Jiman AA, Ouyang Z, Zimmerman L, Woods J, Seymour J, Bruns T, Weiland JD, Chestek CA. Characterization of carbon fiber recording tip exposure methods, coatings, and array durability. Neural Interfaces Conference, Minneapolis, MN, June 25-27, 2018.
  14. Mentzelopoulos G, Zimmerman LL, Parrish H, Luma BD, Becker JB, Bruns TM: The effects of tibial nerve stimulation and hormone priming on a female sexual dysfunction rat model, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Fall Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2019. 
  15. Zimmerman LL, Mentzelopoulos G, Parrish HJ, Marcu VI, Luma BD, Becker JB, Bruns TM: Modulating sexual behavior in female rats with tibial nerve electrical stimulation, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2019.
  16. Jiman AA, Welle EJ, Patel PR, Bottorff EC, Ratze DC, Richie JM, Ouyang Z, Yan D, Zimmerman LL, Seymour JP, Chestek CA, Bruns TM: Monitoring of glucose- and insulin-triggered vagus nerve activity using carbon fiber microelectrode arrays in anesthetized rats, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2019. 

Other pNEURO Lab Output:

  1. S. Kim, I. Rice, L. Zimmerman, T. Bruns, “Pudendal nerve stimulation-driven vaginal blood oscillations,” Open Science Framework, 2017.
  2. L. Zimmerman, I. Rice, T. Bruns. Anesthetized rat vaginal blood flow changes driven by tibial nerve stimulation,” Open Science Framework, 2018.