Nico Buitrago


UTSA Biochemistry

SROP summer researcher May 2019-July 2019

pNEURO Lab Conference Abstracts:

  1. Bottorff EC, Jiman AA, Buitrago NS, Mentzelopoulos G, Welle EJ, Patel PR, Seymour JP, Chestek CA, Bruns TM: Intraneural recordings of single-unit autonomic neural activity with a novel microelectrode array, International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience Congress 2019, Los Angeles, CA, 2019.
  2. Bottorff EC, Jiman AA, Buitrago NS, Mentzelopoulos G, Welle EJ, Patel PR, Seymour JP, Chestek CA, Bruns TM: Acute intraganglia recordings of single-unit neural activity with a novel microelectrode array, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2019.