
Nikolas Barrera


Biomedical Engineering

May - August 2017: IRACDA Summer Research Fellow
September 2017 - April 2018: UROP researcher

May 2018 - December 2019: Undergraduate researcher

pNEURO Lab Publications:

  1. Z. Ouyang, Z.J. Sperry, N. Barrera, T.M. Bruns. "Real-time bladder pressure estimation for closed-loop control in a detrusor overactivity model." IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2019.2912374, 2019.

pNEURO Lab Conference Proceedings:

  1. Ouyang Z, Barrera N, Marcu V, Socha A, Schwartz J, Sperry Z, Bruns TM. Behavioral Monitoring and Neuromodulation of Feline Voiding Function. Proceedings of 9th Intl IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 20-23, 2019, 1058-1061.

pNEURO Lab Conference Abstracts:

  1. Ouyang Z, Sperry ZJ, Barrera N, Bruns TM. Real-time estimation of bladder pressure through dorsal root ganglia recordings and closed-loop control in an overactive bladder feline model. Neural Interfaces Conference, Minneapolis, MN, June 25-27, 2018.
  2. Ouyang Z, Barrera ND, Marcu VI, Schwartz JH, Socha AT, Sperry ZJ, Bruns TM. Behavioral monitoring and neuromodulation of feline bladder function. Society for Pelvic Research Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 1-2, 2018.
  3. Barrera ND, Jiman AA, Yan D, Ratze D, Aridi R, Bruns TM, Seymour JP: A novel tool for visualizing invivo microdevice insertion into sub-millimeter nerves, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Fall Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2019 .
  4. Meli D, Yan D, Barrera N, Jiman AA, Patel PR, Bottorff EC, Yoon E, Chestek CA, Bruns TM, Seymour JP: Photochemical bonding of silicone medical devices on peripheral nerves, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Fall Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2019. 
  5. Ouyang Z, Barrera N, Sperry ZJ, Bottorff EC, Bruns TM: Real time closed loop control of bladder function with dorsal root ganglia sensory feedback and sacral root electrical stimulation, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2019.
  6. Ouyang Z, Barrera N, Sperry ZJ, Bottorff EC, Bruns TM: Real time closed loop control of bladder function with dorsal root ganglia sensory feedback and sacral root electrical stimulation, Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for Pelvic Research, Charleston, SC, 2019.

Other pNEURO Lab Output:

  1. Z. Ouyang, N. Barrera, Z. Sperry, T. Bruns. "Real-time estimation of bladder state in an overactive bladder model." Open Science Framework, 2019.