Shani E. Ross, Ph.D.


Biomedical Engineering

LinkedIn Profile

September 2013 - February 2017: Postdoctoral Fellow

In February 2017 Shani began a position with the Bioengineering department at George Mason University.

pNEURO Lab Publications:

  1. Ross SE, Sperry ZJ, Mahar CM, Bruns TM. Hysteretic behavior of bladder afferent neurons in response to changes in bladder pressure. BMC Neuroscience, 17: 57, 2016.
  2. Khurram A, Ross SE, Sperry ZJ, Ouyang A, Stephan CJ, Jiman AA, and Bruns TM. Chronic monitoring of lower urinary tract activity via a sacral dorsal root ganglia interface. Journal of Neural Engineering, 14: 036027, 2017.
  3. Rice IC, Zimmerman LL, Ross SE, Berger MB, Bruns TM. Time-frequency analysis of increases in vaginal blood perfusion elicited by long-duration pudendal neuromodulation in anesthetized rats. Neuromodulation. 20(8): 807-815, 2017.
  4. S.E. Ross*, Z. Ouyang*, S. Rajagopalan, T.M. Bruns. “Evaluation of decoding algorithms for estimating bladder pressure from dorsal root ganglia neural recordings,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 46(2): 233-246, 2018. *Co-first authors.

pNEURO Lab Conference Abstracts

  1. Ostrowski AK, Ross S, Bruns TM. Dorsal root ganglion cell density analysis for microelectrode array development. National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Lexington, KY, April, 2014.
  2. Bentley JT, Ross SE, Bruns TM. Identifying subpopulations of bladder afferents with a sacral dorsal root ganglia microelectrode array interface. Neural Interfaces Conference, Dallas, TX, June 23-25, 2014.
  3. Ross SE, Bentley JT, Bruns TM. Development of a closed-loop bladder control neuroprosthesis using a sacral dorsal root ganglia interface. Neural Interfaces Conference, Dallas, TX, June 23-25, 2014.
  4. Bentley JT, Ross SE, Bruns TM. Identification of bladder afferent types with Multielectrode arrays in sacral dorsal root ganglia. Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November 15-19, 2014.
  5. Ross SE, Bentley JT, Bruns TM. Targeting sacral dorsal root ganglia for concurrent monitoring and control of bladder function via electrical stimulation. Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November 15-19, 2014.
  6. Rajagopalan S, Ross SE, Bruns TM. Potential of neural-network based modeling of bladder pressure from sacral dorsal root ganglia recordings. Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November 15-19, 2014.
  7. Rice I, Ross SE, Bruns TM. Peripheral nerve stimulation for female sexual dysfunction: slow oscillations in vaginal blood flow. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, October 7-10, 2015.
  8. Ross SE, Sperry ZJ, Mahar CM, Bruns TM. Quantification of hysteresis in bladder afferent neurons in response to changes in bladder pressure. Society for Neuroscience 45th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 17-21, 2015.
  9. Khurram A, Ross SE, Jiman AAA, Sperry ZJ, Mahar CM, Bruns TM. Chronic monitoring of lower urinary tract neurophysiology via sacral dorsal root ganglia. Society for Neuroscience 45th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 17-21, 2015.
  10. Sperry ZJ, Seymour JP, Wu F, Ross SE, Kim K, Bentley JT, Yoon E, Bruns TM. Dorsal root ganglia neural recordings with a novel non-penetrating thin-film microelectrode array. Society for Neuroscience 45th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 17-21, 2015.
  11. Ouyang A, Ross SE, Bruns TM. Decoding bladder activity with dorsal root ganglia neural signals using a Kalman filter. International Conference for Advanced Neurotechnology, Ann Arbor, MI, June 13-14, 2016.
  12. Ross SE, Khurram A, Ouyang A, Jiman AA, Sperry ZJ, Stephen CJ, Bruns TM. Chronic monitoring and excitation of lower urinary tract function. International Conference for Advanced Neurotechnology, Ann Arbor, MI, June 13-14, 2016.
  13. Sperry ZJ, Seymour JP, Wu F, Ross SE, Kim K, Yoon E, Bruns TM. Dorsal root ganglia neural recordings and source localization with a novel non-penetrating thin-film microelectrode array. International Conference for Advanced Neurotechnology, Ann Arbor, MI, June 13-14, 2016.
  14. Ouyang A, Ross SE, Bruns TM. Decoding bladder activity with dorsal root ganglia neural signals using a Kalman filter. North American Neuromodulation Society – Neural Interfaces Conference Joint Meeting, Baltimore, MD, June 25-29, 2016.
  15. Ross SE, Khurram A, Ouyang A, Jiman AA, Sperry ZJ, Stephen CJ, Bruns TM. Chronic monitoring and excitation of lower urinary tract function. North American Neuromodulation Society – Neural Interfaces Conference Joint Meeting, Baltimore, MD, June 25-29, 2016.
  16. Sperry ZJ, Seymour JP, Wu F, Ross SE, Kim K, Yoon E, Bruns TM. Dorsal root ganglia neural recordings and source localization with a novel non-penetrating thin-film microelectrode array. North American Neuromodulation Society – Neural Interfaces Conference Joint Meeting, Baltimore, MD, June 25-29, 2016.
  17. Ross SE, Khurram A, Sperry ZJ, Jiman AAA, Ouyang A, Zimmerman LL, Stephan CJ, Mahar CM, Rice IC, Bruns TM. Chronic spinal root interfacing for closed-loop control of the bladder. IEEE EMBS Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, August 16-20, 2016.
  18. Ouyang A, Ross SE, Bruns TM. Kalman filter decoding of bladder pressure from dorsal root ganglia activity. Society for Neuroscience 46th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 12-16, 2016.
  19. Rice IC, Zimmerman LL, Ross SE, Berger MB, Bruns TM, Pudendal nerve stimulation elicits oscillations in vaginal blood flow. Society for Neuroscience 46th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 12-16, 2016.
  20. Ross SE, Ouyang A, Khurram A, Jiman AA, Sperry ZJ, Stephen CJ, Bruns TM. Chronic monitoring and stimulation of the lower urinary tract during sedated and awake testing. Society for Neuroscience 46th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 12-16, 2016.

Other pNEURO Lab Output

  1. T.M. Bruns, S.E. Ross, N. Khandwala, C.M. Mahar, Z.J. Sperry, “Bladder Neuron Hysteresis,” Open Science Framework, 2016.
  2. M. Levy, A. Khurram, S.E. Ross, Z.J. Sperry, A. Ouyang, A.A. Jiman, C.J. Stephan, T.M. Bruns, “Chronic monitoring of lower urinary tract activity via a sacral dorsal root ganglia interface,” Open Science Framework, 2017.
  3. Z. Ouyang, S.E. Ross, T.M. Bruns. “Decoding algorithms and dorsal root ganglia neural recordings for estimating bladder pressure,” Open Science Framework, 2017.